Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in every woman’s life. It marks the threshold of a new journey that a woman undertakes to create a new life. This period is characterised by a plethora of physical, emotional, and mental changes. Although it might bring discomfort at first, it’s all a part of the process of bringing a new and innocent life to the face of this Earth. Also, the joys of pregnancy are unparalleled. It is super exciting to announce a new addition to the family. The moment you announce your pregnancy, every single person is curious to know whether you are going to deliver a baby boy or a baby girl. Want to know, what are the baby boy pregnancy symptoms? There are a lot of symptoms that claim to predict the gender of the fetus, that is the sex of baby. Moreover, some genuine old wives’ tales can determine the gender of an unborn baby, although nothing can be labelled as 100 % baby boy pregnancy symptoms.
Accurate Symptoms Of Sex of the Baby In Pregnancy
Please note that the below-mentioned symptoms are just beliefs and we request everyone not to go with them fully. |
The moment you announce your pregnancy, every single person is curious to know whether you are going to deliver a baby boy or a baby girl. There are a lot of symptoms that claim to predict the sex of baby. Moreover, some genuine old wives’ tales can actually determine the gender of an unborn baby, although nothing can be labelled as 100 % pregnant symptoms for a boy.
No matter the baby’s gender, what counts the most is having a healthy pregnancy and a happy and loving family that is ready to welcome new little member into their lives. Here is a list of 100 baby boy pregnancy symptoms for your reckoning:
List of Top Baby Boy Pregnancy Symptoms During Pregnancy:
1. Baby’s Heart Rate
This can be considered one of the most accurate signs of having a boy in pregnancy. During the first trimester of your pregnancy, all babies have a heart rate that is over 140 beats every minute. However, according to statistics, girls have a heart rate of almost 151 beats every minute. As your pregnancy progresses, the symptoms of a baby boy in the 9th month are that the heartbeat slows to 140. If the heart rate is less than 140 beats each minute during the first trimester then, it can be one of the baby boy signs.
2. Morning Sickness
If you are not experiencing any serious morning sickness or frequent vomiting then it can be considered a symptom of a baby boy. Morning sickness is common during the first trimester, if it does not continue till the last trimester then it is believed to be 100% baby boy signs in womb. If you are carrying a boy, you may likely not suffer from morning sickness. Morning sickness and sex of baby identification are highly correlated. However, you must note that every woman is different and thus, every woman would have more, or less, morning sickness depending on several other factors which are environmental or simply genetic.
3. Skin Condition
During the entire pregnancy, if your skin is free from any kind of acne it is said to be one of the accurate baby boy pregnancy symptoms. It is said that a baby girl steals away a mother’s beauty but a baby boy won’t give you much acne. During your entire pregnancy, the skin will glow.
4. Hair Growth
When you carry a boy baby it is believed that your hair may grow longer and also become more voluminous. It is again considered to be one of the most common baby boy symptoms in 5th month. Moreover, the hair may become shinier and lustrous. So, you don’t have to worry about hair fall during these 9 months.
5. Food Cravings
Food cravings are one of the most accurate symptoms of a baby boy in pregnancy. When you are pregnant, you need to sustain a baby too. However, it’s not as much food as you think. You only need around 300 calories to support your baby.
But, you will crave a lot more. With pregnancy symptoms for a boy, mothers may crave salty and tangy food that includes chips, pickles, sausages, cheese, meat, etc. You might not be interested in hogging chocolates and sweet dishes if it’s a baby boy. It is believed that one of the most common and accurate baby boy pregnancy symptoms would be that you are much more interested in savoury dishes as compared to sweet dishes like in the case of a baby girl.
6. Position of Tummy
One of the most common and highly predictive gender predictions is how you carry. If you are pregnant with boy symptoms then there is a high chance that you may carry low. This means the tummy position is low if you are carrying a baby boy. While putting down a list of 100 symptoms of the baby boy, this one can be believed to be the most common and well-trusted.
7. Mood Swings
If you are not prone to frequent mood changes then it is one of the signs that it’s a baby boy. When you carry a baby boy, the hormonal changes are considered to be minimal.
8. Color of Urine
The colour of urine tends to change throughout pregnancy and if it is darker in colour then it is one of the 100% baby boy symptoms. The colour of urine is usually bright in colour. Moreover, the colour of urine also changes due to medication, consumption of water, and change in body temperature. However, you must note that the colour of urine also changes due to medication, consumption of water, and change in body temperature.
9. Size of Breast
A woman experiences a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy and there is a change in the size of breast tissue. This is because your body is trying to accommodate the human inside you. One of the symptoms of baby boy in 7th month in the womb before delivery is the change in breast size.
Your breasts will grow sensitive and they will feel heavy. If your breast appears to be larger in size then, it means you may be pregnant with boy symptoms. If your right breast seems larger than your left breast then you may have baby boy symptoms. Pull up your t-shirt and check for yourself.
10. Coldness of Feet
When your feet are icy cold during the entire pregnancy then it is a sign you may be carrying a baby boy. However, this is majorly common in pregnancy when the blood circulation is not very high. It is one of the baby boy pregnancy symptoms.
Pregnancy is the most precious time in a woman’s life so Diet during Pregnancy is also very important to take care of diet and health during pregnancy. Read our article Diet during Pregnancy. |
11. Increase in Weight
It is believed that a mother carrying a baby boy weighs a little high and her baby bump is visibly extra. Weight gain especially in the stomach is considered to be one of the accurate pregnant symptoms for a boy in pregnancy.
12. Eating More
There is simple mathematics, combining the age when you conceived with the month of your conception. If the final number is an even number then it is again considered to be one of the accurate baby boy pregnancy symptoms.
13. Even the Number
There is simple mathematics, combining the age when you conceived with the month of your conception. If the final number is an even number then it is again considered to be an accurate symptom from 100 symptoms of baby boy in pregnancy.
14. Headaches
During your pregnancy, if you are more prone to headaches then you may be carrying a baby boy. This is majorly due to fluctuations in the pregnancy hormone.
15. Skinny Father
This one is a bit strange but mostly reliable. If the father is shedding a lot of weight during the pregnancy phase then there is a high chance that you may be pregnant with a boy. It is one of the most asked-about symptoms of having a baby boy during pregnancy.
16. You are Carrying a Low
If you are carrying the baby lower than usual it might be a sign that you are pregnant with a baby boy. Carrying low or if you are carrying all the weight in the front of your belly is said to be a sign that your child is a boy. As mentioned in one of the points above, this way was used in earlier times by midwives to detect the sex of babies.
17. Difference in Hair
If your hair has become more full-bodied or shining during pregnancy, you are most likely pregnant with a baby boy
Note: We are again notifying you that all these above-mentioned ways to identify the baby’s gender during pregnancy are not 100% accurate. But there is no harm in checking it out by reading these above symptoms, it is rather fun. Each pregnancy is unique and we cannot go against nature. Ultrasound is the best and the most authentic way to identify the gender of the unborn baby. If you are carrying a boy, then there is a surety of signs of a baby boy in ultrasound. Many countries do not encourage this practice of ultrasound for determining gender. Moreover, it is also illegal in some countries due to an increased rate of female foeticides.
Even, there are no 100 % accurate methods of how to conceive a baby boy. Be it a girl or a boy, every baby is precious and a gift from god. Enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest and stay healthy. Track your baby’s growth, and deliver a happy and healthy baby.
18. The Ring Spin
This exercise is a fun way to see the genuine symptoms of a baby boy. Hold a string attached to a ring in front of your stomach. Swing it. If it moves back and forth, then you have a boy. If the ring goes in circles, then you have a girl. This is a popular baby shower game. However, this is not very reliable. This is just something old wives did to determine gender traditionally.
19. Sleeping Position
Sleeping seems like a luxury for pregnant women because sleep deprivation is very common. If you have one particular side that you sleep on, then it might be because of the gender of your baby. According to urban legend, if a woman sleeps on the left side throughout her pregnancy, then they get blessed with a boy.
20. Intuition & Dreams
Many expecting mothers assert strong feelings or vivid dreams concerning the gender of their unborn child. Although it is a deeply personal and significant experience, it cannot be used to predict the baby’s sex based on current scientific knowledge.
21. Gain Weight All Over Your Body
It’s commonly believed that if you gain weight all over your body—including your hips and rear—you might be carrying a boy. But rather than the baby’s gender, a woman’s weight gain during pregnancy is mostly influenced by the natural distribution of her body and genetics.
23. Behavioural Shift
There is a widespread assumption that a pregnant woman’s personality influences the personality of the unborn kid. Baby males are thought to be born to mothers who have more assertive personalities because they are more in charge, emotional, aggressive, and able to take command. No scientific evidence supports this notion as being true.
Scientific Ways to Tell the Sex of the Baby
Genetic Testing-
Certain genetic tests can tell the sex of baby, such as CVS(chorionic villus sampling). These tests normally analyse DNA, which ultimately determines the baby’s gender. (1)
Ultrasound Scans-
Ultrasound Scans are the most common method for finding out the sex of baby. It is normally done by identifying the male genitalia in the baby. (1)
Maternal Blood Tests-
Then there are Maternal Blood Tests. In this test, Y chromosomes are found in the mother’s blood, which ultimately shows if the mother is carrying a baby boy. (1)
Baby Boy Symptoms On Face Of Mother
There are so many symptoms and assumptions of telling that the mother is having a boy or a girl child. Let’s discuss some of them:
Face Acne: In pregnant women the hormone androgens is elevated during pregnancy, which can lead to the growth of sebum-producing skin glands and an increase in oil production. Pregnant women may experience acne, especially on the face and around the chin, as a result of their increased oil production, which can frequently block pores and cause additional spots and outbreaks and having this face acne is said to be baby boy symptoms during pregnancy.
Nose shape: It seems that widening of the nose during pregnancy indicates the possibility of a boy child.
Face Glow: One of the baby boy symptoms during pregnancy in women is producing more blood when they are pregnant. This is a result of the uterus and other critical organs requiring more blood to sustain the developing child. Their face appears flushed due to the dilation of the blood vessels caused by this increase in blood volume.
Cool Ways To Tell If You’re Pregnant With A Boy
There are some cool ways to tell if you’re pregnant with a boy. So, let’s discuss them:
- Pay Attention To Your Cravings
This ancient wives’ tale predicts that you will have a baby boy if you are continuously reaching for cheese, meat, or other salty things.
- Pay Attention To Your Partner’s Weight
According to many cultures, you are likely to have a boy if the father also feels nauseous in the morning.
- Examine The Swing Of The Ring
An engagement ring is required for this traditional gender test: wear it over your stomach like a necklace. It’s a boy if the ring swings back and forth.
- Consider Using Salt Or Baking Soda
Fill a disposable cup with baking soda and then pee. It will be a boy if the baking soda freezes.
- Ask A Little Boy
You’re having a baby boy if the small boy doesn’t appear interested, according to this antiquated gender test.
It may be entertaining to attempt to predict the gender of your unborn baby in advance, even though there is no way to know for sure until your 20-week ultrasound. Searching for these signs that you are having a boy or girl may heighten your excitement while you wait for your new one, even if you are still in the early stages of your pregnancy or don’t even intend to find out till the baby is here. Budding Star is always there to lessen your anxiety and help you with parenting with its infotainment blogs.
FAQs – Is it a Baby Boy or Baby Girl?
1. Does a Baby’s heart rate during pregnancy indicate a boy’s baby?
One of the most genuine symptoms of a baby boy during pregnancy can be linked to the baby’s heartbeat. Statistics show that girls’ heart rates are closer to 151 beats per minute. The heartbeat slows to 140 as your pregnancy proceeds, which is a sign that the baby is a male in the ninth month. It may be a boy if the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute throughout the first trimester.
2. Will My Skin Darken If I’m Pregnant With a Boy?
If your skin is clear and it is sans any form of acne during pregnancy, it is considered one of the most accurate symptoms of a baby boy in pregnancy. It is thought that a baby girl takes her mother’s attractiveness, while a baby male won’t cause you to break out in pimples as much. Your skin will glow the entire time you’re expecting.
3. Do Food Cravings Indicate a Boy in Pregnancy?
There are 100 symptoms of a baby boy but one of the most reliable signs of a baby boy in pregnancy is food cravings. When you are pregnant, you also need to support the growing child. But it’s not as much food as you might imagine. Only about 300 calories are required to sustain you and your infant. Having said that, savoury cravings are on Eid the baby boy in womb symptoms and sweet cravings indicate that you are carrying a girl.
4. How can you tell if you are carrying a boy?
Various signs are believed by old wives to be the signs of carrying a baby boy. A few such symptoms are carrying your baby low, craving sweet and tangy dishes, having no or very little morning sickness, more visible bumps, and much more.
5. What are the baby boy symptoms in the first trimester?
There are many baby boy symptoms in the first trimester, such as If the heartbeat is less than 140 beats per minute during the first trimester, then it could be a baby boy. Even morning sickness in the first trimester can result in the birth of a baby boy.
6. Do the symptoms differ for baby boys & baby girls?
Be it any symptom, they are different for baby boys and baby girls.
7. Why is the sex of the baby a common question?
The curiosity about the baby’s gender is often rooted in cultural traditions, excitement, or preparation for the arrival of a new family member.
8. Should I discuss my curiosity about the baby’s sex with my doctor?
During the pregnancy, the doctor is the person to whom an expecting mother can talk freely about their mental & physical health. You can discuss this with your doctor and clear your doubts about the sex of the baby.
9. Is it legal to check the sex of the baby before birth?
It is an illegal practice to check the sex of the baby before birth to avoid cases of female foeticide.
10. What is the sure way of conceiving a boy?
There is no sure way of conceiving a baby boy. But there are some studies about Shettles method that can help in conceiving a baby boy. The method suggests that, if the father was in a sexual position during his climax. Deep penetration occurs when faster-moving male sperm begin their race nearer to the cervix and have a higher chance of reaching the egg first, producing a boy.
11. How can I know my baby’s gender at home?
There are some fun ways to know a baby’s gender at home. But these methods are old wives tales so these methods are not always correct. First fun way is the wedding ring test where women hang their ring on a string and dangle it over their belly. Your food cravings can also decide the gender of your baby. It is one of the oldest myths. You can make an assumption of having a boy or a girl with your emotional state throughout the pregnancy.
12. Can the baby’s movements or kicks provide any clues about its gender?
No, Baby’s movements in your stomach or kicks can’t provide you any clue about your baby’s gender.
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